Hello Everyone, nice to meet you all.

I am Elisha, it will be my 1st time to Cannes and my 1st time ever for prediction.

In the past year there are many impressive works coming out, but the most stunning craft in my mind is “Hennessy X.O – The Seven Worlds” directed by Ridley Scoot.

皆様、初めまして、Elisha です。


この一年で素晴らしい作品が何個も作られましたね。その中でも私が一番おすすめなのがRidley Scoot が監督を務めた“Hennessy X.O – The Seven Worlds”です。

Client : Hennessy

Agency : DDB Paris

Director : legendary Ridley Scoot

Production : RSA Films

when you watched it first, you thought it is a movie trailer while the music and sound design kicked in, along with all the amazing visual effects driving you beyond the space of imagination, awesome art direction with simple storytelling, and yet perfectly interpreted the core idea of  “every drop is odyssey “.

here also post the behind the scenes, to get a little bit hint from this epic director about the advertising nowadays. I hope it will really pick up some statues of film craft as it deserved, if it is entered.

初めて見たときは映画の予告編かなと思わせる音楽やサウンド・デザイン。そして想像をはるかに超える素晴らしいビジュアルとシンプルな物語かつ最高なアート・ディレクション。そして“every drop is odyssey “「全部の一滴がオデッセイ」の核心を完璧に表している。


the 2nd work I would like to introduce is “Jimmy Nelson – Blink. And they’re gone”

次に紹介したい作品はJimmy NelsonのBlink. And they’re gone

Client : Jimmy Nelson Foundation

Agency : JWT India & Amsterdam

Photagrapher : Jimmy Nelson

Director : Senthil Kumar

Production : Small Fry Production

Beautiful images seamlessly with incredible edit and music, why not it can be in the craft category ?

sometimes it could be a real hard work to assemble the stills into video without disturbing the rhythm of the story,

but this piece is the quite opposite example, the edit and music worked perfectly.

each frame is telling its own culture, when sequenced all up make humanities on earth as a whole.

the most importantly, the pace of edit immersed your eyes well into the concept of “Blink”,  don’t blink or you will miss the single detail of every frame, don’t blink or they are gone.

I couldn’t blink when I watched this film, how about you ?




