Rest In Peace Mr. Steve Jobs!!!! You made the world a better place!!
Steve Jobs changed the lives of so many people, including mine. I don’t think there has been a day in the last 15 years or more that I haven’t touched my APPLE computers!! As a person who would like to be considered as being creative, APPLE has given me the tools to be creative!! An Apple computer is truly an extension of me!! I am so going to miss Steve Jobs!! What an amazing person! What an inspiring life he has led!! He will be missed so very dearly!! Like he said “You need to love what you do”!!
His speech for the Stanford University changed my life!! Here’s the version with Japanese subtitles. Please watch!! It could change your life too!!
And of course who could ever forget the infamous “1984” commercial!!
And to the CRAZY ONES!!! Mr. Steve Jobs you pushed the human race forward!! Thank you!!
A retrospective of APPLE:
Mr. Steve Jobs, I’ve never met you in person! But I loved you!! Thank you for STAYING FOOLISH!! I am ME because of YOU!