Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg win's Media Person of the Year in Cannes
あなたは25歳で 2兆円のお金を持っている自分を想像できますか?WOW!! SNSのFacebookの創始者でありCEOのMark Zuckerbergがその人です。3億5千万人を超えるユーザーを持つFacebookは、人々の連絡を取り合う方法に大きな変化をもたらしました。今年のカンヌでMark ZuckerbergはMedia Person of the Year賞を受賞します。
「The Media Person of the Year Awardは今日のメディアのあり方を開発し、結果的に、未来の広告業界を形作るのに統括的な位置で顕著な活躍を見せた影響力のある人にあたえられます。今年のカンヌでMark Zuckerbergは、賞の受賞とともに、Facebookに関する特別なセミナーを6/23に開く予定です。カンヌに参加される方に取っては必見のセミナーになる事でしょう。」
To see the full article in English: http://www.canneslions.com/about/news.cfm?newsid=16&page=1
Can you imagine being 25 years old and worth 2 BILLION Dollars!! WOW! The Social networking site Facebook’s founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg is just that. With over 350 million users, Facebook has changed the way people stay connected. This coming summer the Cannes Lions presents Mark Zuckerberg with the Media Person of the Year award.
Taken from the Cannes Website it says: “The Media Person of the Year Award is given to a prominent personality who is an influential figure in the development of today’s media landscape, ultimately playing an integral part in shaping the future of the advertising industry.”
Along with receiving the award, he will be holding a special seminar about Facebook on Wednesday June 23rd. If you are planning on going to Cannes then this is one seminar you should not miss.
To see the full article in English: http://www.canneslions.com/about/news.cfm?newsid=16&page=1